TransPharMed provides a wide range of solutions to foster development and growth of employees. We identify and build the strengths of employees which ultimately help a company to grow revenues using the following training and systems:

DiSC® + Values Training
With 30 years of proven reliability and over 40 million users, DiSC assessments are the most trusted learning instrument in the industry. DiSC is used worldwide in dozens of training and coaching applications, including organizational development and performance improvement. DiSC measures people’s natural and adaptive behavior.  Once that is known, organizations can help employees to sell better, resolve conflicts, and develop leaders.  DiSC can also help with the hiring process to ensure the right people are hire for the job.

Every day, organizations use DiSC to establish a common language, paving the way for successful training and coaching applications. Detailed, personalized information helps people apply DiSC learning to specific business situations, including:

• DiSC plus Values predicts performance and leadership skills
• Hiring decisions
• Sales training
• Leadership development
• Conflict resolution

Some benefits of DiSC plus Values training include:

• Employees develop better people skills and improve client interactions
• Employees handle group settings better
• Employees learn to positively influence others and improve their negotiation techniques
• Employees learn their values and what drives their behavior and needs. The organization can determine the best fit or certain jobs.


EQ (Emotional Intelligence) Training
Teams with rich emotional intelligence tend to perform better, but not all of the best-qualified applicants have native EQ. This is an area where providing access to training can provide a great return for employers. Some benefits of EQ training include:

• Emotional intelligence predicts performance and leadership skills
• Employees better absorb feedback
• Employees master their emotions, thoughts and actions
• Employees develop better people skills and improve client interactions
• Employees handle group settings better
• Employees learn to positively influence others and improve their negotiation techniques
• Teams learn to manage time better resulting in less procrastination


Corporate Wellness Programs
With health care costs continuing to rise at alarming rates, it is more important than ever before to keep your employees healthy. Listed below are some statistics about employee health and their employers’ costs:

• Preventable illness makes up at least 70 percent of all illness and the associated costs
• The total cost of obesity to U.S. employers is $13 billion per year
• Obese Americans spend about 36 percent more on health services and 77 percent more on medications than people of healthy weight – that’s more than heavy smokers or heavy drinkers.
• Workplace alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use costs over $100 billion each year
• Job stress is estimated to cost $200 to $300 billion annually in absenteeism, tardiness, and lost productivity
• Workers’ compensation costs for a smoker averages $2,189 compared to only $176 for a nonsmoker

Corporate wellness programs can help you to reduce employee health care costs. Due to the many benefits of corporate wellness programs most companies view wellness programs as an investment in their most valuable asset, their employees.

Best of all, the return-on-investment (ROI) for corporate wellness programs have been well documented over the past two decades. Year-round comprehensive corporate wellness programs have shown savings-to-cost ratios of over $3 saved for each $1 invested.


Brand and Image Consulting
First impressions, make lasting opinions!

• Is your staff currently projecting the best impression on your internal and external clients?
• Is the company’s brand reputation being damaged due to the lack of professionalism and bad image displayed by employees?
• Could your company be losing customers and potential clients to your competition as a result of the staff’s poor corporate image or etiquette?

The services of hiring an image consultant are no longer specifically aimed at sports stars, celebrities or large corporation executives. Instead, the benefits of hiring a corporate image consultant are beneficial for anyone who wants to excel in their line of work and command executive presence.

Many people mistakenly believe that image consultants simply teach how to dress the part. A professional and experienced consultant will also help develop each team member’s personal brand and provide powerful tools and guidelines of how to behave in an appropriate manner in every situation. By building on each employee’s presence, self-confidence and approach there can be an increase in the credibility of a company coupled with access to new business that might otherwise have been missed.

At TransPharMed our key focus is to provide you and your staff with powerful skills related to personal branding, corporate image, etiquette, communication and professionalism in the workplace.