Profits, Promotions & Power Through Networking
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Networking - It's not WHAT you know, but WHO you know!
There is a saying, “It’s not who you know, it’s who knows you!” But if you don’t know how to get yourself to be top of mind for the people that matter, you will miss out on what could be the opportunities of a lifetime.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, a professional aspiring to climb the corporate latter, unemployed and looking for your next job, or a person leading fund-raising initiatives for your organization, understanding how to connect with people whether you have 30 seconds or 30 minutes is a skill that is both an art and a science. The only way to ensure that you are prepared achieve your goals is to make sure that you are AMPed..Actively Meeting People.
Profits, Promotions and Power…Through Networking will make sure that you have the necessary skills to have the right doors opened for you so that you can increase your sales for your company, earn more income, get the job you want, earn the promotion you deserve and be in a position to accomplish your goals!
Course Details:
- 12-week virtual course
- 12 modules with step-by-step guidance
- 12 weekly group sessions, 90-minute live calls
What You'll Learn:
- Learn what true networking is and how to effectively use it
- Master techniques to introduce yourself in any situation
- Learn how to effectively prepare for planned and unplanned social engagements
- Learn how to best position yourself for a promotion
- Learn how to best position yourself for a new job
- Learn to avoid crisis networking
- Create specific SMART goals to accomplish through networking
Course Modules:
Week 1: Demystifying networking:
Many people do not have a clear understanding of exactly what is networking and why it is paramount to every aspect of business and furthermore life. During this section, you will learn:
- – What is and isn’t considered networking
- – The key reasons why networking is critical to your life everyday
- – Real life examples of what is attainable through networking
Week 2: Required Work for Networking
During week 2, you will learn that networking does not happen accidentally. On the contrary, networking requires focused and strategic work. Having a clear understanding on the items that are necessary for successfully networking will ensure a solid foundation and a long term success. The key concepts learned in this section are:
- – How to maximizing the quality of your work
- – How to best prepare yourself to take advantage of networking
- – Learn and use some key systems to help you network
Week 3: Networking with a Purpose
In order to help you get to where you want to be, you have to determine ahead of time, exactly what it is that you want. This section will help you determine the specific objective for your networking. You must have a purpose, drive and a “why” behind all of your actions. In this section, you will:
- – Learn how to develop a SMART objection for networking
- – Understand and develop your “why” behind your need to develop and expand your network
Week 4: Assessment of your network
The more people that you have in your network does not necessarily mean you are better off. What matters is having the RIGHT people in your network. How would you know if you have the right people if you do not take the time to accurately assess what your current network looks like?? In this section, you will uncover the secrets of how to evaluate and understand how to leverage the people that are already in your existing network. You will learn:
- – Nobody starts from zero!
- – How to determine the value of the people you currently know
- – How to assess and organize the data from your current social media connections
Week 5: Preparing yourself for networking
Many people have a false sense of preparedness when it comes to optimal networking. However in most cases, people are significantly underprepared to take advantage to planned and spontaneous networking opportunities. This section is focused on:
- – Learn the secrets to getting new people to listen and remember you
- – Learning how to create a personal elevator pitch for any occasion
- – Learn the necessary things you absolutely need to network in any occassion
Week 6: Internal Networking
The process of earning a promotion is significantly more than just doing your job well. This section will provide you with crucial hidden elements needed to successfully climb in any corporate arena. During this section, you will learn:
- – The secrets to getting promoted beyond your job performance
- – What key departments in your organization can influence your career
- – The proven steps to help you connect across your entire organization
- Proven methods to capitalize on company meetings
Week 7: External Networking
Trying to work your way into any new organization or company can be a real challenge and even overwhelming. This section will help you learn:
- – Proven tactics to help you access key decision makers in any organization
- – How to expand your reach within current and prospective organizations
- – How to make sure that your phone calls and emails get returned
- – Learn the secrets to maximize your impact at conferences, meetings and events
Week 8: Crisis Networking
This is one of the most underestimated and misunderstood concepts of networking. Many times, people do not start networking until a dire need arises, which drops people knee deep in what is called “Crisis Networking”. In this section, you will discover:
- – What is “Crisis Networking”
- – How to avoid “Crisis Networking”
- – How to quickly and effectively recover from a “Crisis”
Week 9: The “Ask” & Closing the Deal
There is an art and science as to when you have prepared the foundation in your network to start reaping the benefits. After all, networking is about giving first, then receiving; reaping then sewing. This section will teach you:
- – Who in your network is ready to help you with your specific goal?
- – What are the key indicators to know that you are ready to ask for a networking favor?
- – How do you determine what you should ask?
Week 10: Practicing Gratitude and Pay it Forward
There is no better way to continue to networking momentum than to understand the simple secrets that most people miss. All of your networking efforts will be lost unless you learn:
- – The most effective means of networking follow up
- – How to keep newly opened doors always open
- – The secret tools required to maximize your networking efforts
Week 11: Best practices and How to keep it going, Accountability
Now that you have successfully made your way through this course, in order for you to turn these new networking habits into rituals, it is absolutely necessary to have a system in place to ensure that you adopt these principles religiously. Here, you will learn the following:
- – How to develop a system to enable you to effectively network in impromptu and planned engagements.
- – Create automatic tactics to ensure that you are constantly abreast of networking techniques
Week 12: Conclusion and Results
This is where you take a step back and start to measure the fruits of your labor. During this final week, you will assess:
- – The incremental connections in social media and off-line
- – The additional new internal connections within your organizations and assess the level of engagement